Our Zero Waste Business Certification

Unlock your zero waste potential. Transform, certify, thrive.

Are you a business owner or event manager? Do you want to accelerate your business’ zero waste transition while engaging your team in a meaningful and impactful project? Our Zero Waste Business Certification is the perfect program to certify your zero waste journey! Our certification is designed to:

  • Help businesses and organisations go above and beyond EU and national regulations
  • Reduce their environmental impact by decreasing their waste and resource consumption
  • Improve resource management and operational efficiency, allowing for cost savings
  • Develop a positive brand image and attract eco-conscious customers
  • Align and comply with the latest waste reduction regulations
  • Foster a zero waste culture and employee engagement
  • Encourage adaptability and innovation in a changing market
  • Inspire their community and local waste reduction efforts

With the Business Certification, we encourage businesses and events to commit to more ambitious and sustainable goals while certifying their journey along the way.

Why become certified?

Built on Zero Waste Europe‘s established zero waste methodology, our certification program has many benefits for enterprises and organisations.

Environmental impact: By striving for zero waste, businesses significantly reduce their environmental footprint, contributing to a healthier planet by minimizing waste sent to landfills and decreasing overall resource consumption.
Cost savings: Implementing zero waste practices often leads to cost savings through improved resource management, reduced waste disposal fees, and increased efficiency in operations.
Positive brand image: Achieving a Zero Waste Business Certification demonstrates a commitment to sustainability, which can enhance a company’s reputation, attract eco-conscious customers, and distinguish the business in a competitive market.
Compliance and regulation: Adhering to sustainable waste management practices may align with or even exceed local, regional, or national waste reduction regulations, helping businesses avoid fines and legal issues.
Employee engagement: Encouraging a zero waste culture can boost employee morale, engagement, and pride in working for a company that prioritizes environmental responsibility.
Innovation and adaptability: Pursuing zero waste fosters innovation and encourages the development of new processes, products, and solutions, enhancing a business’s adaptability in a changing market landscape.
Community impact: Engaging in zero waste initiatives can positively impact the local community, inspiring others to follow suit and contributing to the greater societal effort to combat waste.

Who is it for?

Zero waste hotel certification


Stand out in your destination as the accommodation provider for waste-free holidays

zero waste restaurant certification


Reduce food waste, offer circular takeaway containers, and much more to demonstrate to your customers that dining at your establishment is a greener experience

zero waste office certification


Give your office users a productive and zero waste workday

zero waste event certification


Be the festival that makes sure everything from the venue flows to good use

How does it work?

zero certification process


Our Zero Waste Business Certification is structured around a scorecard system and criteria that set high standards. Certification for a business or event requires meeting three sets of criteria, following a modular structure.

A module is specific to your business sector. With this, we ensure you belong to your industry’s best performers.

Approved mentors and auditors

Our Zero Waste Business Certification can only be granted by mentors, experts, and auditors specifically accredited by Mission Zero Academy (MiZA). MiZA managed the entire certification process, ensuring compliance and continuous program improvement. Our independent, third-party-assessed certification standard is founded on over ten years of professional expertise and on-the-ground experience conducted by Zero Waste Europe (ZWE). MiZA acts as a liaison between businesses, events, and ZWE’s initiatives, accelerating the fulfillment of your zero-waste commitments at the implementation level.

Interested in boosting your business’ sustainability?

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