8 Nov 2023

Join our Technical Conference on Waste Management in Valencia

Mission Zero Academy, Zero Waste Europe, Mancomunitat de la Ribera Alta and Associacó Valenciana Municipis Recollida Porta a Porta are conducting a Technical Conference on Waste Management in Alzira, Valencia next November. Join us for these exciting and hands-on talks about door-to-door waste collection systems and other leading topics on the European agenda.

Registration: Click here (in Spanish and Valencian)

Check the programme in Spanish: click here

Technical Conference on Waste Management

Mission Zero Academy has been working with several municipalities within Spain, such as Torrelles de Llobregat, El Boalo, Cerceda, MataelpinoUsurbil, Astigarraga, and Hernani, who have already been fully certified by Mission Zero Academy with the Zero Waste Cities Certification. The Technical Conference will, thus, be a unique chance for the frontrunners in zero waste to talk about the challenges they have faced and to share the solutions they were able to implement.

The conference will also be a networking opportunity for municipalities all over Spain, an EU country that still has to meet EU recycling targets. Our goal is to promote collaboration in the context of a spread-out territory that gathers different realities in terms of waste management, recycling practices and bio waste separate collection systems.

Join Mission Zero Academy, experts, civil servants, and colleagues from all over Spain to learn and discuss zero waste solutions for municipal solid waste! 

For who? Civil servants, waste management entities, local decision-makers, interest groups, and other relevant stakeholders.


  • Alzira, Valencia: Headquarters of Mancomunitat de la Ribera Alta
  • C/Taronger, 116, Alzira (Valencia)

When? 20th November in Alzira, Valencia

Language? Spanish and Valencian

Schedule? GMT+2

20th November in Alzira, Valencia

8:45 | Reception of participants

9:00 | Opening session with Mancomunitat de la Ribera Alta, Mission Zero Academy and Zero Waste Europe | Paqui Momparler Orta (President of the Mancomunitat de la Ribera Alta), Kaisa Karjailainen (Mission Zero Academy), Joan Marc Simon (Zero Waste Europe), and Ismael Casotti Rienda (Zero Waste Europe)

9:15 | Biowaste management using high-efficiency systems: Door-to-Door in Catalonia | Montse Cruz (Technical Commission of l’Associació de Municipis catalans per a la recollida porta a porta)

9:45 | Door-to-door collection in a multi-community service: Ribera Alta del Júcar | Óscar Giménez Gras (Head of the Environment Department of Mancomunitat de la Ribera Alta)

10:15 | Selective door-to-door collection in the Valencian region (Comunitat Valenciana) | David Salán Navarro (Technical Commission of l’Associació Valenciana de municipis porta a porta

10:45 | Door-to-door collection experience in Orba and El Poble Nou de Benitatxell municipalities | Ignasi Cervera (Mayor of Orba and Environmental Technician of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell)

11:15 | Coffee Break

11:45 | Hernani and Usurbil: the role of reduction, prevention, and reuse; auto-composting as an add-on to door-to-door systems | Ainara Atorrasagasti Urizar (Concejal de Medio Ambiente del ayuntamiento de Hernani) and Tamara Zapiain Gartzia (Técnica de Medio Ambiente del ayuntamiento de Hernani)

12:30 | Zero Waste Cities certification: a solution to support municipalities in their transition to zero waste | Kaisa Karjailainen (Director of Mission Zero Academy)

12:45 | Round Table: How to achieve EU recycling targets focusing on zero waste strategies?

13:30End of programme

Entry Fee: Free

Registration: Click here (in Spanish and Valencian)

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